The Vietnam Conflict


A lot of things happened during the Vietnam War. Some of them effected the course of history greatly.
Here is a list of some of the events:

1945- First american dies in Vietnam

1950- U.S. pledges $15 million to aid French

1954- Geneva agreement dividing Vietnam at 17th parallel
                                                                                                                                                                     1956- French leaves Vietnam

1962- Cuban missile crisis

November 22, 1963- John F. Kennedy is assassinated.

1965- U.S. troops reach 200,000

April 4, 1968- Martin Luther King Jr. assassinated

August 15-18, 1969- Woodstock

1969- Nixon begins bombing Cambodia in secret

1970- Kent State shooting

1973- Last American troops leave Vietnam

1969-74- Watergate Scandal

Steve Bouvé