The Vietnam Conflict

The Vietnam War           


       Hundreds of thousands of young men and women, fresh out of high school, were drafted to fight in the Vietnam War.  Millions lost their lives, both Vietnamese and American.  Hundreds of thousands were wounded so that their lives would never be the same again.  Paralyzed, amputation, ect., all that sacrifice for what many felt was a bad cause. It wasn't our war we just jumped in to try to help out the Southern Vietnamese. Our cause was noble but we were throwing ourselves into war along with the Southern Vietnamese. We failed to help the South Vietnamese so Vietnam officially became a Communist country anyway. We jumped into the Vietnam war because earlier, during the cold war, Harry S. Truman said that the United States of America would help any country challenged by Communism.
After all of the trauma that the young adults experienced, they came home to a country that despised them, that resented their involvment in the war.  It wasn't their fault!  They didn't choose to go to war, they were drafted.  They were serving our country.  They were treated as if they betrayed their country by fighting in the war, but they didn't.  If anybody betrayed America, our own government did.  

     There were many protests in America during the Vietnam war.  Most of these protests were anti-war protests.  They were filled with family members of the troops in Vietnam.  All this protesting made people even angrier about the war and about the government not doing anything about it.  Everybody was really happy about the war being over when it was over.  That is a brief overveiw of the war, I hope you better understand the war now.

Branden Bergholz