The Vietnam Conflict

Army Draft

The Army Draft was started toward the beginning of World War II. Because the army was losing a lot of men the draft was used to get more soldiers to the fighting front. The Vietnam Draft was no different than the draft from World War II. Many families tried to save their relative from going, but U.S. law prevented them. Those picked even thought of even running away to avoid going to war.

 The army draft worked like this. They would pick a random date, then if you were born on that date they would announce it. So then you had to join the army or they would come after you to take you in. This process would literally tear families apart and wreck lives forever. Once you were out there you couldn't come back until you died or the contract expired, which was usually two years. Some families would never see their loved ones again and would protest. It was possible to escape the draft, through going to college. Others even lied, like claiming to be homosexual, which was not allowed in the army at the time.

The Army Draft is still extremely controversial. Some see it as an asset, while others still view it as an abomination. Still, the arguement can be that it was needed in WWII but completely unneccessary in Vietnam.

 Brian Keane